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A Professional Security Team

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1sc-women.jpgHere's How to Build a Strong Security Team to Keep Your Company Safe and Sound

1.    Have a sound Aim for your Security Team

2.    Define your Objectives to fit the overall Aim

3.    Recruit Security Professionals, not persons in a uniform

4.    Ensure your Security Team fits the Culture of your company

5.    Define what you require from your Security Team

6.    Budget for Security Training year on year (invest in the team)

7.    Look at the culture of your Supplier, if they are external


Building any kind of team is not easy. From hiring to managing and ensuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are met daily, it can make a client’s head spin. Adding the additional layer of finding a top-notch Security Company to ensure your "site" is safe and sound adds extra stress to an already frazzled client.

Security teams are the most effective when security is baked into the entire Clients Company Culture and form part of the company (not them and us). Companies may not have the luxury of employing someone for whom security is their only job, but it does have to be someone’s job, and what a great job it can be, if done well!

When looking at all level’s managers, supervisors and guards ensure they have a depth of background knowledge, don’t exclude ex forces they come with a wealth of knowledge, discipline and sometimes a little baggage, but hey don’t we all.  Consider all applicants against a set criteria and test regime.  Make the applicants feel part of a professional team and body of professionals, this will encourage them to step forward and step up their game during induction which should be at least three days long, after all they are joining a great body of professionals in your company.

Document all stages of the employment process, explain to candidates what your aims and objectives are for the team and ask for their input, this should go some way to ascertain what they know and understand.  Be patient and never accept second best, unless you’re paying second-rate wages then hey, you gets what you pay for in life.

Remember, a security team is like a dog, its for life, training never ends, staff should learn something different every day, keep them interested daily and you’ll be rewarded tenfold, if you as a client are not interested why should your Security Team be interested?

Good luck





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