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GRENFELL TOWER: A tragic disaster or a warning of what might happen again

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On the night of 14 June 2017 in the early hours 72 tenants died in a tower block fire which today, still rages on.  It seems now it’s the fault of the fire brigade.  A leaked report accuses the London Fire Brigade of “serious shortcomings” and said the failure to evacuate the building sooner meant fewer lives were saved, whilst this may be true it’s not the full story is it.  The focus is now firmly on London fire commissioner Dany Cotton for saying she would not have done anything differently in her shoes would you? So, what’s changed as of today Oct 2019?

As a contractor working for RBKC for some 17 years we’ve seen it all, overcrowding of flats, poor management, poor housekeeping, bad decision making and a council sitting back and letting others take the blame for what is in fact their responsibility, after all they are the management team aren’t, they?  The Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) that once managed these tower blocks has now been taken over by RKBC but what is different today, nothing at all it seems, it’s the same mismanaged organisation with a different name, the same poor management leading teams of poor managers who possess a lack of knowledge, empathy and understanding of their roles which may be a leading factor to the disaster.

The policy: ‘Stay put’ is the name of a policy in which emergency services tell residents to stay in their home and await rescue when there is a fire.

We have been asking RBKC management teams at Trellick Tower and Worlds End Estate for their input on this particular matter and even today they can’t tell us as they don’t know if the tenants should stay or leave in the event of a fire, how bizarre you may think!

Below is an extract from RBKC web site, assessments were produced by Turner & Townsend on 08/02/2018 see executive summary Trellick Tower.  The management team we deal with for Trellick and Worlds end were not aware of these risk assessments and their content which is extremely worrying, how can they be protecting tenants today?

Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs)

Kensington & Chelsea Council knows it must ensure your homes are safe. Since the Grenfell tragedy we have – and are continuing – to review the fire safety of your homes and to bring them up to standard where needed.

We have commissioned independent assessors to carry out fire risk assessments of all our properties. For quality assurance, all assessments are reviewed by an external organisation, with around 15 percent of properties revisited by a different independent assessor. We are carrying out the actions identified in the assessment and making any safety improvements.

We are in the process of publishing all the fire risk assessments on our website. 

References to individual flats, or images of individual flats (for example front doors), are being removed prior to publication to protect the privacy of the resident

Whilst this is an effort and better late than never, shouldn’t the managers know? and what about the areas of concern? In red have these been actioned yet?


Check out the RBKC website for your risk assessment, after all you pay for these in your rent: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/housing/housing-advice-and-support/fire-risk-assessments


Please also see our 1SC Guarding Ltd blog dated 2 Oct 2019 page 4 in regard to waking watch in high rise flats: http://www.1sc.co.uk/media-centre/entry/guidance-to-support-fire-safety-in-purpose-built-block-of-flats-1.html




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