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Dave's Vision of Security

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Dave-blog.jpg1SC Guarding Limited (1SC) was established in 1997 by myself David Jones, an ex-squaddie suddenly in civilian life after 10 years of three-square meals and a bed. I was motivated to set up a Manned Guarding company by my considerable experience, both good and bad gained as a buyer and end user of guarding services with organisations as diverse as The BBC and The London Borough of Southwark both great institutions who I still respect today.

·       My vision was never to be rich, but it would be nice!

·       My vision was never to be the boss, but someone has to be!

·       My vision was never to be National; I love London!

·       My vision was never to be the same as my competitors, for obvious reasons!

If I was ever to be successful and that in itself is subjective, I would need to demonstrate my understanding of all Security issues, and those I didn’t quite understand and there are a few, I know where to get the information from and from whom.

Security Officers are not persons in a uniform stood on a door or turnstile with no self-awareness of were or what they are.  Security Officers are charismatic individuals who wish to work in an Industry that is lively, ever changing and challenging.  Quality Security staff are everywhere but go unnoticed due to the amount of dross available on request and dare I say the same pay rates as those who are ambassadors.  I don’t ask much of my staff, but I do ask that they want to work in my industry and represent me and our company, after all, its their industry and company too!

Working and living in London can be extreme as with any other places within the UK.  London is flamboyant and provides great opportunities across a diverse workforce.  Those who wish to progress in Security can if they wish too but getting to the top means you need to start at the bottom, a great leveller and a great place I think to learn a fantastic skill that not many have, even today!

Wanna join me and my team, look us up, you need only sit one interview and one test paper, it's easy if you have the skills!



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