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Your Security Tied Up for Christmas?

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Your Security Tied Up for Christmas?

·       Guards booked and confirmed?

·       Mobile Patrols organised?

·       Key Holding in place?IMG_1420.jpg


So, here is what happened yesterday in a phone call, funny but true, Worrying!!!!!


Customer: Ring Ring (that’s the phone) we would like to arrange mobile patrols over the festive period as this is a time when our buildings are empty and more at risk.

Me: I agree what would you like sir, what days cover do you require and how many patrols would you like.

Customer: I would like 2 patrols per day 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon on the following dates; 23rd, 24th, 27th, 30th 31st 2nd and 3rd.

Me: These dates are fine what about 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th  Dec and 1st January 2020.

Customer: Some of these dates are at double time, I don’t think we’ll need the service then, can’t see anyone breaking in on those dates

Me: Really Sir, wouldn’t you prefer to cover the full period to ensure the security of your estate and property during these vulnerable periods.

Customer: No, I know best, its covered better with these dates

Me: If that’s your decision consider it covered on the dates you request



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Guest Sunday, 16 March 2025

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