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MD’s 5 Strategies why we believe our customers trust 1SC

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David-Linkedin_20191211-130345_1.jpgMD’s 5 Strategies why we believe our customers trust 1SC

1.     Accessible. We are available to our customers 24/7 365 days per year via email telephone and in person.  A member of the management team will always make themselves available to our clients on the same day of a request to meet.  We will meet a client anywhere within London at any given time.

2.     Reliability. We have a reliable Service which is the product of time effort training and good old hard work, yes, hard work!  if we can’t provide the service being asked of us, we will tell the client immediately, we will never subcontract our services to another company no matter how big or important the client, we can either do the job professionally with our staff and resources or not, it’s that simple.

3.     Honesty. Being transparent means recognising and being open about both our strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of service provision.  We fully understand that we are not the biggest player in our field but, we are a Quality provider of the Security Services we sell in London and the surrounding areas.

4.     Value for money. We bring value to our clients by providing a fully transparent and operational service which includes everything we need to carry out the service between the hours we are employed, this includes the staff on site, supervision and management, these are never an add on or variables to be calculated separately, how could they be?

5.     Consistency. Maintain consistency is vital, this is essential from the staff, to the uniform to the supervision and management daily weekly and monthly.  What is specified will be delivered on time every time, after all that’s what we quote for, try us you might be pleasantly pleased.


Demonstrating our capability in today’s tender market is extremely tough as a prospective client gets to see an extremely short snapshot of who and what we are, and what we are selling, Security. What should a buyer look for?

1.     An expert in Security, the person in front of you selling the service, what is their background what do they know about security, it means clients will have to do some research and learn about the product/Service they are buying, being a big name is just that a big name, it doesn’t mean they are good, far from it.

2.     Knowing their audience, have they, the Security Company researched who you the client is and what it is you may require, don’t listen to stock answers from slick sales men and woman ask questions like, what is the governance covering Tower Blocks, What training do you feel is necessary for our assignment, how is the basic charge rate made up?

3.     Evidence, If a Security Company states they can do something request it immediately, check their premises against the British Standard 7499 check their recruitment on site (process, JD's Policies) training records this is a simple process and should be readily available to all professional Security Companies in an instant, or it should be!

If you have a chosen supplier who you are not sure about we can also assist you, for instance, if a Security Company states it can provide mobile patrol services and it can’t, why can’t it, if its lacking in this department it’s probably lacking in others, after all, Security Companies should provide everything they advertise.

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Guest Sunday, 16 March 2025

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