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Staying safe in London 2019

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We decided this morning as it was quiet in the office at 05:30 to visit some of our sites around London and wow what an eye opener.  London is famous for its many modern and old tourist destinations, which give its visitors many trips and adventures in history through many ages.  London is vibrant exciting and a thrill to be in, but there lies its problem, your guard is down.  There is a mixture of commuters using the DLR trains and buses not to mention those who commute by road and pavement, the place is packed.

We started at South Quay DLR around 7am and boarded a train for Bank, aptly named, passengers were so busy getting on and off eating breakfast and smelling extremely bad they forget their surroundings and who’s next to them.  One man on the train next to me had his wallet in an open pocket, I could clearly see it and the money within which included euro notes, he was either a visitor or just came from holiday, so I told him to look after his wallet but he was more interested in his breakfast sandwich.

thief-3306100_1280.pngThe jostling went on all through to Bank a pick pockets dream, a train full of fools and their money waiting to be parted, an open invitation especially those who wear head phones and are not aware of their surroundings both male and female, well, London  is the place to make money!.  We entered out onto the street which are not paved in gold, beggars and rough sleepers, commuters in a rush to their destinations, open bags earphones blazing, money to be had everywhere, the mobile phone truly is king in London or so it seems.  Females seem to care about their I phone and texting more than their own safety, they have no idea who is behind them, we informed several to close their bags, that’s after they removed their earphones in order to hear us.

Well it was an ordeal to start then we arrived at Tottenham Court Road where we had breakfast in Gregg’s, bacon and sausage roll with coffee whilst watching undesirables lifting sandwiches and walking out, what a City free food and money!

After three hours in London we decided to return to sunny Docklands via the Jubilee Line, not as busy but the same undesirables were still in plain sight loitering and watching for those to busy to protect themselves and their valuables, lambs to the slaughter comes to mind.

Whilst i appreciate commuting is extremely hot, noisy and very busy we should be aware of our surroundings and the people around us, some of those people around you are already at work, you! Take out your earphones, put away your cell phones wallets and sandwiches you can’t be that hungry!  Ladies close your bags stop texting be sensible, hard as it might sound it may prove beneficial to your bank accounts.  If when commuting you need cash never use an external cash point in Tottenham court road, ever, your being watched!

London is a remarkably safe City, but crime is not unknown.

·       Watch out for pickpockets and hustlers in crowded areas popular with tourists, such as around Westminster Bridge in London.

·       When travelling by tube, or urban train services at night, choose a carriage containing other people.

·       Unlicensed minicabs – someone with a car earning money on the side – operate in large cities and are worth avoiding unless you know what you're doing, use a black cab more expensive but safer.

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