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A great year at 1SC Guarding Ltd

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Lost 2 won 1


David-Linkedin.jpg2019 has been a great year of ups and down, you win some and you lose some but it’s the losing of contracts that concerns us most, especially when you have been in place for 15 years and never dropped below 98.75% in KPIs.  Whilst we accept contracts come and go for numerous reasons, we find it extremely odd when a large contract has been lost and the reasons given are a better ITT was provided, really? 


We held the Museum of London for more than 15 years providing excellent services throughout, we introduced The London Living Wage (LLW) professional training and even provided the management team who are still in place along with all the security officers.  The training programme introduced by 1SC covering all eventualities and actions on remains in place and is the go-to document for all museum and management staff.


We believe the downfall of this particular contract was due to internal matters concerning the then Security Manager and his new directors, we seen it coming but hey, what can you do?  The evaluation on Quality ranked us 3rd out of 3 a really poor score and unrealistic, the only good score we received was mobilisation as we were already in place, odd I know? This was the clincher, we were out! Its was like the charge of the light brigade, you could hear the change, see the dust rising, during our presentation no one listened or was interested, hindsight is a great leveller.


15 years of exceptional service and staff placement that are still there, commerce moves on and we wish them success on the back of our hard work, so what’s new and coming up?

We are still looking hard for new contracts PQQ and ITT placements and are open to supply services to clients who want a top-quality service and a supplier who understands our Industry, “Security”.  We are a British owned family Company looking forward to Brexit, and we are prepared and ready if you require a consultation drop me a line, a coffee and chat costs very little against having a poor service provider.


















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