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I’ve worked within the Security Industry in Marketing now for two years and have experienced the comings and goings of prospective applicants wishing to join our company and disciplined profession. It’s true to say that the majority are from BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) communities with a hand full of those considered White, but all have the same traits, at least I think they have. In today’s extremely sensitive world we can’t say they are unprepared, unwashed and damn right rude when being interviewed can we, unfortunately, this is the reality everyday here in sunny Docklands.

The majority of applicants that come through our doors are most definitely lazy, unwashed and poorly prepared for an interview and test that they have been pre-warned to expect and prepare for at least a week prior to attending. Why is this, you may ask?  Well you can’t hide from the statistics as these are facts, that most Security officers are from the BAME community. Therefore, you could be forgiven for thinking that only the BAME element of Security Guards are lazy and part of the great unwashed mainly due to the breakdown of statistics. However, this is because the majority applying for jobs in this Industry are of BAME. For every 23 applicants that attend an interview for a Security Officer position with us only 1 will be White yes, that also includes Eastern Europeans. This later group are also part of the great unwashed, lazy brigade, slovenly unprepared and usually unwashed, therefore, we have less White Security Officers in the Industry so there are less complaints regarding this ethnic group, its easy maths really.

In order to overcome racial stereotypes in the Security Industry, it’s down to individuals to change their attitude towards work in general and for clients to acknowledge that regardless of skin colour most staff are lazy, unreliable and have a poor attitude in general.

This is the first industry I’ve worked in and witnessed that most staff don’t care about their job, their appearance or their ability. The Security Industry and its jobs are not to blame for being scruffy lethargic and in general not very good, remember poor-quality applicants and performance of officers is not down to the BAME community all of the above is from all communities’ colours and religion’s.

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