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Why is it so important to get on in the workplace?

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At 1SC we believe we should include all stakeholders in all decision making, thus providing a platform for all to be heard.

Improved teamwork: It is common knowledge that people who get on well with each other are more likely to work well together in a security environment, its improves stakeholder morale across the board: The development of good relationships in the workplace have the potential to improve the mood of employees, making them subsequently more effective, after all, you want effective security personnel

Trust, teamwork, communication and respect are keys to effective working relationships. At 1SC we develop positive relationships with stakeholders we interact with at work to make our jobs more enjoyable and effective. These connections could also serve as future references or contacts in future careers

Maintaining healthy professional relationship requires a sense of maturity, a sense of professionalism, as well as a desire to work in a positive environment. That is, rid your work force of negative interactions between co-workers and you may suddenly see a boost in morale, drive, and effectiveness

It is imperative for any company striving for success in a workplace to learn how to establish professional relationships.  Regardless of your position—whether you are the CEO, an intern or client—the success we achieve in the Security world is heavily influenced by the success of our relationships within the workplace.

1. Mutual Respect, If you have ever tried to engage in a professional relationship, friendship, or even tried to briefly acquaint yourself with someone who considers themselves better than others, or in other words, a narcissist, you know how incredibly frustrating and down right near impossible this task can be, hence why some clients are so frustrating!

2. Communication, in order for all stakeholders to connect, it is required that a positive platform for communication is available. That is, if there is no time to sit down and chat with co-workers for a few minutes, what does it say about you and your company?

3. Trust, Trust is undeniably the most important factor of any business relationship. According to Forbes, "Trust is foundational in management, as it's the solid floor on which the rest of the manager-employee relationship is build, if you can’t trust your security provider, who can you trust?

4. Welcome Diversity, Borders are disappearing thankfully, as more technology allows businesses to have employees working across the globe, companies are growing not only nationally but internationally.

5. Mindfulness, not everyone has the same personality or decision-making style, that I am sure we all agree upon. When this begins to occur in the workplace, conflicts can occur, emotions can be drawn, and tension are easily created.

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