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Why Do We Purchase Security Services?

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b2ap3_thumbnail_logo-no-background_20190926-111010_1.jpgWe are constantly asked why security is needed, the aim of security is to protect people, places and property from potential threats. Although a security officers job description can vary, depending on specific work settings and added value required today, a security service and the officers employed should focus primarily on preventing crime, that’s why it’s called, “Security”

Are security guards effective?

How effective are your Security Officers? Research has shown that having security personnel on a property, or patrolling through a community, can act as a way to deter crime.  Having an actual trained and inspired Security Person working as a Security Officer will act as a greater deterrent than just having video surveillance on your property.


 Who makes a good Security Officer?

There are many definitions of a good Security Officer and these are mostly driven by clients and the fact they want the cheapest service possible, and they usually get it, “Cheap”.  Most persons employed within our Industry are persons in a uniform who hold an SIA license, it's not too difficult to obtain an SIA license but it’s extremely hard to get a good Security Officer, trust me, I have been in the industry years and see applicants daily, and it’s truly a worrying.

In our opinion, a good Security Officer in the main, is someone who wants to work in the Industry who has an interest in security which is different from being pushed into it either from necessity to please the job centre (government numbers) or,  no one else will employ them.  Low grade staff are just that, low grade.  Consider part worn tyres from a scrap yard for your new 60k jaguar, risky? I think so.  It’s the same as a bewildered untrained un-interested member of the public being given a uniform placed onto a site or building with an estimated value of £600,000,000 and being told, look after this all night, daunting to say the least, but it happens daily, let’s hope there isn’t a fire!

What to consider/look at for your Security Service?

·       What is the specific aim of your service?

·       Identify security risks and the precise impact that security measures can make

·       Consider those that quote the minimum price can they deliver on all aspects of the contract, check them out, staff benefits, pensions, uniform and all staff to be P.A.Y.E. make it part of the contract


·       What might you get from a smaller supplier that you will not from a larger more national one? Larger suppliers tend to have heavier workloads and much stricter procedures; “red tape” comes to mind. Rule of thumb, if requested can a Security Manager meet you within 2 hours? If not why not, test the theory!

·       Visit your selected suppliers, speak to them and their staff, are they knowledgeable? 

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