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Security Guards (SG) V Door Supervisors (DS), what is the difference.

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1.     Security Guards (SG) cannot do Door Supervisors Duties

2.     Door Supervisors (DS) Can do Security Guard Duties


Therefore 99% of would be Security officers choose the Door Supervisor (DS) course and license, no shock there!

The question the SIA and buyers of Security Service should be asking is; “do Door Supervisors have enough knowledge, training and skills to perform a Security Officers (SG) duties”, in our opinion, NO they don’t, so why is this:

The syllabus for DS staff is different to that being taught to SG staff, for example, DS staff are taught licensing law whereas SG staff are taught employment law and the law around their specific duties, whilst similar it’s not the same.

SG staff are taught patrolling, which is an essential skill, whereas DS staff are not taught this element at all.

Overall, both training packages are good, but they are in fact different, as the roles are completely different. (Think of a pilot and a flight attendant, would you ask the flight attendant to take control of the plane? Let’s hope not) DS training is bent towards licensed premises and the need to understand drug awareness, the effects of drugs and alcohol and ways in which to eject a person if required.

SG training is about the corporate officer, the need for good customer care, patrolling and access control, all good practices that are required daily by an SG officer and taught within their training package.

So, what is needed in our opinion: All Security personnel should carry out the SG training and an additional package bolted on to encapsulate the needs of a DS officer when on duty such as licensing law, behavioural standards and drug awareness.

Over the past three (3) years we have tested applicants who wish to join our company, our training is biased towards the SG officer package, the results are extremely worrying in that 80% of applicants fail our 30-question test paper such as:

1. What is a dry riser?

4. Name your 5 primary senses

2. What is RIDDOR?

5. What is the definition of theft?

3. What is P.A.C.E?

6. Name the 2 types of law

If you disagree feel free at any time to pop along to our officers and see if you can pass what we feel is a relatively easy 30 questions based on the job of a security officer, after all, that’s what we are and clients are looking for?

Overall, it is clear this is a serious issue within the Private Security Industry. Corporate clients should employ a Security Guard (SG) to fulfil security guarding duties. Pubs and bars etc. should employ Door Supervisors (DS) to carry out, Door Supervisor duties as both roles differ from one another, hence their respective names. I would love to meet the buffoon who thought it was appropriate to allow a DS officer to perform SG duties, their head was either in a place of darkness or their field of expertise lay in cucumbers and lettuce and not the Security Industry.

Possessing an SIA licence means that an individual has undertaken formal training, gained a relevant qualification, and has undergone criminal record and identity checks. (DBS) There are thousands of Security Operatives across the licensable sectors: cash and valuables in transit, close protection, door supervision, key holding, public space surveillance, security guarding, and vehicle immobilisation (Northern Ireland only). Let’s be clear, when you require meat you visit the butcher not the coal merchant, it’s the same for Security Services, specify what it is you require in detail and purchase the correct product not something similar.


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  • Guest
    Mark Burnell Thursday, 03 October 2019

    I most certainly agree with the points that you have made. Over the past few years I have had many (DS) Licence holders in my team & they have no idea about patrolling & customer care skills expected, such as meet & greet. So they take longer to train & settle in to their corporate role. This well written article has opened my eyes to this discrepancy.

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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