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Safe Return to 1SC office

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We’re all getting a lot more familiar with our homes as we learn to adjust to our new lives during the Coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, many of us like myself are feeling eager to return to normal, or at least a ‘new normal’ and will be going back to the office. However, you can’t ignore that it can makb2ap3_thumbnail_cat.jpge you feel quite anxious, whether it’s fears of going back to work in the office, commuting to and from work or anxiety around the idea of lockdown lifting is totally normal!

And that’s why it’s important to share how your feelings and concerns during these times of uncertainty with your manager/or your colleagues because chances are, they’re feeling the same. I can personally say 1SC has encouraged a brilliant safe return to the office from making sure staff travel outside of busy periods or the option to work from home and providing PPE in the office.

On entering 1SC office, you must  ensure to:

·       Wash your hands

·       Maintain a 2-metre distance

·       Bring with you and wear a face mask or face shield


1SC has also enforced the following

·       Staggered arrival and departure to avoid the rush hour

·       Office building cleaning arrangementsb2ap3_thumbnail_office-covid.jpg

·       Follow Government advice on use of public transport

·       Reminding staff about the importance of good hygiene and that they must follow NHS guidelines if they feel unwell

·       without exception.

·       General cleaning at the end of the working day

·       Workstation cleaning – when you have finished using the workstation

·       Provided single-use PPE, disposable

·       Mandatory temperature checks


All the protocols taken have made me feel extremely safe and confident in returning to the office. And for all commuters returning to work in the office I can tell you TFL is also doing a great job with ensuring passengers are safe by ensuring customers wear face coverings, hand sanitiser points at all stations, entry and exit restrictions, frequent service (no over packed trains) and the trains and buses are regularly cleaned for once!

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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