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Recruiting Mobile Patrol Drivers

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keys.jpgWe have been recruiting for some weeks now for a good standard mobile patrol/response driver who can attend alarm activations and incidents in and around London.  To date the standard of applicant has been appalling to say the least, when we mention duties and BS:7984:2016 absolutely everyone has looked at us blankly, although, they are currently carrying out this function.

During our interview process we asked applicants how an intruder alarm works and again to date no one knows or understand the workings of an intruder alarm system, strange? Poor at best, disgraceful for the employers who employ these less than capable SIA licensed individuals, I can’t call them security staff/professionals as they don’t understand the basics of their jobs!!

Question: how can you investigate an alarm activation if you don’t know or understand how an intruder alarm works?

Answer: you can’t!

Over the past 10 years the cost of security has been driven down deliberately without realising in some circumstances the consequences, the main two reasons are:

1. Larger companies keeping charge rates low (break-even) to eliminate competition, good for larger companies turn over but something has to give, and these inevitably are supervision and training.

2. Clients demanding lowest costs to reduce budgets, whilst understandable, lower costs mean something is left out, usually training and staff wages.

Both these factors have been an irritant to 1SC for years as we feel it undermines what it is, we actually provide, “professional Security Services”PIR-Alarm.jpg

Training is a vital, but an expensive element of any service no matter how small or large. Background knowledge is vital to any security officer especially when dealing with alarms, how they work is essential and can be taught over 16 hours in a classroom to gain the required level of expertise to become a responder, without this training and knowledge the responder is a person usually in a poor uniform walking aimlessly around a building looking for intruders, in 2019 should this still be happening? The answer to that my fellow professional is NO.

If you want a good quality Security Response Service call us.

Question 1.   what is the function of a PIR sensor?

Question 2.   How is a PIR sensor triggered?


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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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