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The festive period is a time to make merry after a long year of working extremely hard, this, we all understand only too well.  Office parties are great and a time to put up decorations and let your hair down, after all it is Christmas.


Not all staff have Christmas off, SECURITY is a 24/7 operation 365 days per year including Christmas and New Years Day.  So, what is a false alarm:

One that causes the reaction Services/Security to respond unnecessarily


§  The Environment

§  Incorrect User Operation

§  The System Itselfchristmas-decor.jpg

§  Connection to the System

§  Incorrect Installation

Let’s look at these individually and ensure we don’t make the same mistakes:

1. The environment, where is the alarm situated, a room or building, where is it exactly, is it in an area were children play and kick a ball around, the ball may strike a door or window and set off the alarm.

2. The user, this is more often the issue, persons not knowing the code or not having the code, but somehow have the keys to the building or protected room.

3. The system itself: some systems are over complicated and have not been thought through correctly, thus causing confusion to the user and assisting in false alarms.

4. Connection; this is usually a telephone or communication line issue, these occur to often but are called line faults, systems today should re-set automatically, but alarm companies prefer to call out the key holder thus increasing charges.

5. Installation; whilst rare it does happen, if you not sure request the assistance of your security company to assist in this matter, 1SC are experts in Security as us we’ll assist were, we can, after all that’s our job.

Let’s look at other factor that set off alarms during the year and the festive period:

Decorations; these move and cause false alarms

Air Conditioning left on; this causes loose items decorations and paper to move thus creating a false alarm.

Open Windows; this causes wind and air to enter the room thus loose items decorations and paper to move creating a false alarm.

Staff/cleaners having access to a building but not knowing the alarm code, this happens daily.

During this festive and extremely busy period help us to help you create a safe and secure environment in your office and building this year and 2020.




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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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