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Excuses in security

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In this ever-changing world of technology, the use of Security Officers is becoming rarer, why is this? Well, for the most part most Security Officers are chosen out of need not because they have any discerning skills or desire to impress, the word impress has been dead for years! They need a job, a job that suits them and only them, gone are the days when the employer has a choice!

We look at Security as a requirement not an addition to what we already have, to enhance our already tight Security regime.

Recruitment is extremely difficult at present; the good security officers are either employed or have moved on to pastures new because they have ambition, that’s right ambition!  Covid-19 has made us all look at new ways of commerce, for the outright lazy git delivering hamburgers and parcels in a filthy van or car seems to be the way forward and hallelujah for that god send!  Whilst its difficult it should make the Industry far better.

Working a night shift for any company or profession is always difficult as we are usually working alone or to reduced staffing levels.  The level of concentration is much higher as the quiet hours can drag I into thinking nothing will happen, therefore in my opinion the night time economy and those who work these demanding unsocial hours are truly heroes but there is another darker side to the need and want to work nights especially in Security.

Over the years we have heard everything, all the excuses for guards wanting to work nights only, preferably alone.  Here are a number of excuses with their real meaning, what do you think what are your thoughts?


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Guest Tuesday, 18 March 2025

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