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Being Ready For an Interview

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Whoever we are and whatever job we are applying for, it's always a worrying time, after all you want the job, right? Well not always as we have found out.

Interview readiness is essential if you are to put your best foot forward, it's far better to be in a job than sitting at home festering away with no ambition or goals in life.

Being good at something should not be embarrassing, gaining skills and knowledge is a useful tool in life generally, it gets you ready for the world and everything it has to offer, but you have to get out there and get it, it won’t come to you.


So, what can we do to raise our success level?

·       Read up on the company for whom you are applying (internet)

·       Arrive 5 minutes early (use a watch)

·       Be dressed accordingly, you don’t need a suit but being clean is essential, a dirty tracksuit around your arse is a no no!

·       Don’t look like you’ve just got out of bed

·       Make sure you are showered, your teeth are clean, meat in your teeth is not a good look!! Use deodorant or something similar.

·       Ensure you bring all requested documents, its not to hard a request

·       Speak up when being spoken too

·       Don’t be cocky or a smart arse!

·       Another great no no is your right hand down your track suit scratching one’s testicles! Really? Hence, we never shake applicants’ hands!

Within the security industry we need a 5 year clear background check, so ensure you have all the details of employment and unemployment for 60 months for those of you who can't understand this simple request, here is the math 5 years x 12 months per year 60 months, we explain this at least 4 times per day.

Another great tip, if you are sent by the job centre and you have no interest, that’s about 80% of applicants, don’t bother showing up, it’s a waste of your time and ours!

If you are uninterested in security work and it’s a last option, don’t come to us go somewhere else, anywhere else but not here!

The last thing to remember is, having an SIA license does not mean you will get the job, or any job in security far from it, an SIA license is easy to get look around the standard is low but getting better, hopefully 1SC will attract those in and out of the Security Industry that want to work as a professional security officers, we look forward to meeting them and you.

As always, I would welcome your feedback, let me know your feelings on interviews both sides of the table.


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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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