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Another senseless killing in the U.S

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Daunte Wright was tragically shot dead by Police Officer Kim Potter, after being stopped for a minor traffic violation.

Some claim, the U.S police are systematically killing black people especially in light of the killing of George Floyd, another senseless and shameful death in the US. Hence, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.  I understand the pain and frustration of any life being taken, especially those who are young vulnerable and who expect the protection of the law and its officers wherever we are in the world we live, after all they are employed , “To serve and protect”?.

However, a question I feel no one is asking is how a 26-year veteran Police Officer mistook a weapon designed to disable for a gun designed to kill, these are basic skills taught in week 1 of all weapon handling and training.  If the officer in question was mistaken or claims a degree of ignorance as to which weapon was drew to defend herself, this on its own is no defence for her illegal and blatant killing of a young defenceless and scared boy, after all, the weapon of choice was drew, aimed and sighted at a defenceless boy, surely the seasoned officer was looking down the barrel and realised it wasn’t yellow in colour?.

This Police Officer Kim Potter must have undergone rigorous weapon training to be considered proficient in order to be let loose carrying a weapon of death after all she carries the US version of our UK warrant card.  If as another Police Officer, Derek Chauvin claims recently, training is inadequate all United States police officers should be considered dangerous and unfit for purpose. 

The fact that two innocent persons of colour are now dead at the hands of 2 white poorly trained Police Officers is not in itself acts of racism. Nevertheless, we should grasp this opportunity to look at those we pay to protect us daily, this is a basic right, the right of all innocent and vulnerable people.

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025

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