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A Child failed by safeguarding of an East London Headteacher

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It was reported during 2020 a secondary school in East London, Hackney two police officers entered a school premises to strip search a female child while on her menstrual cycle, with no parent or guardian present. She was suspected of carrying cannabis. 

The emphasis seems to be that this school child was black and female however my concern is, this disgraceful lack of care is being made into a race issue, which is a clear distraction to what is really, a safeguarding issue, regardless of race or gender. My overall concern is the actions and lack of care by:

1.    The Head Teacher

2.    The Deputy Head Teacher

3.    Learning Leaders (senior managers)

4.    The Classroom Teacher

All four have and had a duty of care for the child and children in their protection and position of authority.

It seems at this particular school anyone in a uniform or position of authority could enter several layers of security remove or abduct a child by force and subject them to a variety of inhumane treatment including assault and physical abuse!

Is it not the case that a school is a place of safety and a place of learning? It seems this school teaches the wrong curriculum in that abduction and violation of our youth is normal.  Should the police at the stage of entering the school be questioned and kept away from the innocent, that being a child?  Should the Head Teacher have intervened after 2-3 minutes again keeping the police a bay?  Should the Head Teacher have questioned the female child along with the Deputy Head and then invited the child’s parents in for guidance and comfort for their daughter?

Why did it feel normal to allow the police into a place of safety to remove a child from care is that not the place of Social Services?

Lessons should always be learnt or that is what I was taught in school my place of safety and learning.  It seems in this case the four listed above should be called to account before being dismissed for either being totally inept or grossly negligent.  Either way I would not allow my children being cared for by where these idiots are working.

Now let’s look at the police and their actions and lack of care.  If we are being fair we could attach ineptness to their actions therefore requiring their dismissal, they should know better for entering a school premises and strip searching a minor with no parents or guardian present.

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Guest Sunday, 16 March 2025

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