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Security in our City (London) 




If you’re currently searching for a reliable supplier, why not try a truly British owned (Brexit Prepared) London based company.

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Labour "pursued a path of almost comic indecision" over Brexit during the election and "alienated both sides of the debate", says Tony Blair ex PM.

In a speech in London, Blair said, he believed the party could have kept much of the vote in traditional Labour areas under a different leadership.  We say, really! It’s a bit late now to say that you blithering idiot!


Why is it that everyone now can see that the old git that was the leader of Labour was not the man for the job?  Anyone with a brain could see and forecast the outcome of the election

In 1984, weeks after an Irish Republican Army (IRA) bomb nearly killed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the Conservative Party conference in Brighton, Corbyn invited the leader of the IRA’s political wing, Gerry Adams, to Parliament for a chummy reception.

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Your Preferred Security Company providing you with:

- Security Personnel

- Alarm Response

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